a poem to my roommate

Jaden Snyder
To My Rad Roommate:
In all the Little Ways I Love You
I hope you know they’re true
I hope you see the way I cheer
When you go for something new
I hope you see the way I laugh
When you do that dance you do
And I hope you see the way I smile
When YOU say you Love me too
For all the Little Ways You Love me
I love you more each day
I love you more than Stevie Wonder says
he loves the month of may
I love you for the notes you leave me
And your simple acts of kindness
I love you cause you always love me
Even when im mindless
I love you cause you teach me
In a Thousand Different Ways
What it means to love oneself
Even on bad days
So because you love YOU
and by some chance love ME too
I guess that’s something…
I could also try to do
Because You Love Me
You’ve showed me I deserve it
And somewhere along the way
I’ve stopped thinking (maybe) I’m not worth it
Because there is no maybe when it comes to you and me
We love each other Simply
Just as all BEST FRIENDS should be
You love me for the good just as much as the bad
And I Love You and You Love You
Because duh… you’re RAD
But lucky me YOUR radness has radiated
And now my heart is warm
So I can say I love me too
Thanks for making that the norm